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Movie Ticket|《四个春天 Four Springs》旦夕艺术片展映 26/Jan/2025

Movie Ticket|《四个春天 Four Springs》旦夕艺术片展映 26/Jan/2025

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旦夕艺术片展映|《四个春天》纪录片 北美首映


时间 Date:Jan 26th(Sunday) 3:00PM

地点 Location:Innis Town Hall (University of Toronto)  | Innis College, 2 Sussex Ave, Toronto, ON M5S 1J5


* 本票为通票,入场后自由选择座位。购买成功后,电子票会通过邮件发送给各位。入场时需出示电子票QR Code,用于扫码入场。



该片以真实的家庭生活为背景,讲述了导演陆庆屹以自己南方小城里的父母为主角,记录了他们4年里的日常生活的故事 。

2018年,该片获得第12届FIRST青年电影展最佳纪录片奖 ;同年,获得第55届台湾电影金马奖”的最佳纪录片与最佳剪辑两项提名。2019年7月1日,入围第十一届中国电影导演协会2019年度表彰大会初评年度影片;2020年,获得第28届上海影评人奖年度华语十佳影片。



"Four Springs" is a documentary based on real family life. The director, who has been away from home for many years since fifteen years old, recorded his parents’ beautiful daily life in a southern town. In the poetic slow life scene of the film, the image slowly engraves the gentle changes of a happy family for nearly two decades. It shows us how they face the flow of time and the ups and downs of life in their own way.

Director Qingyi Lu, born in South of Guizhou Province in December, 1973. He departed from home and led a vagrant life for some reason in his eleventh grade. Later, when living with his brother, he started to learn oil painting and was very fond of football during that time. He got an opportunity to play football in a professional football team. Unfortunately, because of losing the gamehis dream of becoming a great football player was dead. In 1997, he was offered a job working in a publisher by chance, but he resigned after working as an editor for one year. After that, he was caught in maze of shattered dreams, so he chose to be a singer in a bar between times. Not knowing his lifelong goals, he decided to work in mine of Luodian County, Guizhou Province and he experienced the life of a miner for half a year. He tried to work as a designer and start a startup company, which all failed at last. Then he bought a camera and lived a vagrant life again. After two years, he made a living with photography until now. Four Springs Documentary is his first video work.




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